This is my first time to use ASSURE model to create a lesson plan. I think in this assignment satisfies the second standards of NETS*T for teachers, that is Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments. Based on this standards, teachers “design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessment incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in context and to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in the NETS•S” (NETS for Teachers, 2008).
It is easy to create a lesson plan. However, how to incorporate multi-media into lesson plan is a challenge. I realized that it really takes time to develop a good lesson plan. As a teacher, we have to make sure everything goes smoothly and students understand the task. Originally I am thinking to ask students to create a slide to present their project. Then I did a little bit research, and found a very nice online poster called Glogster. enables students to create their own interactive online poster with images, graphs, photos and videos. It is fantastic! I think students would really enjoy doing this project. With a little editing and revising, I would recommend students to create a five-min presentation using iMovie or other online video tools. Since we may not have enough time to let each group to present, I think it would be a good idea to recommend an online presentation and let students to rate each other’s work. Of course, rubric would be provided.
The presentation would be a little bit challenge for ESL students. However, with the help of Glogster, they could easily create an online poster to present their project. It requires some time to practice the five-min presentation. I think they can handle it. As you can see, there are lots of videos and online games incorporated in this lesson plan. All materials and project are posted online website. For students with deaf/hard-of-hearing students, they can easily keep track of the assignments and read the detail of the project online. I think by incorporating multimedia into the lesson plan, it really benefits students with disabilities.
When I first started with my digital tutorial assignment, Dr. Cyrus reminded us hat we need to incorporate the video into our lesson plan. I was prepared and chose this topic-Pythagorean theorem. However, when I really started with this assignment, I have no idea where to start. I had a hard time to come out with the objectives of lesson plan. Thank you, Dr. Cyrus! She wrote me several valuable feedbacks about my objectives and gave a clue where to start.
This is also my first time to use ASSURE model writing a lesson plan. Again, I am lost. I have no idea what ASSURE model is. I looked over all the sample lesson plans Dr. Cyrus posted and did a research. The ASSURE model is an instructional model for planning a lesson and the technology that will enhance it (Integrating Technology Into The Curriculum, 2011). By reading the definition of ASSURE model, I understood the reason that we use this as template to create our lesson plan. Amazing, I found that ASSURE model allows me to think effectively by integrating technology into curriculum.
With, I was able to create my own website. Awesome! From this assignment, I really learnt a lot. Most important, I enjoy the process of exploring new technology and integrating into lesson plan. With these experiences, I am confident to say that my students would not only learn, but also enjoy this lesson.
NETS for Teachers 2008. (2008). Retrieved from
Integrating Technology into the Curriculum. (2011). Retrieved November 26, 2011, from
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